Ostelin vitamin d & calcium cho bà bầu


By Sasha de Beausset Aparicio, MSc, Rebecca Williams, MD, MA, MB, BChir (Expert Reviewer)

Rebecca Williams studied medicine at Cambridge University where she also obtained a degree in Experimental Psychology. A widely known General Practitioner in London, Rebecca also served in Community Pediatrics, and has published research in the field of complementary and alternative medicine. Rebecca relocated lớn Johannesburg, South Africa where she has been able khổng lồ pursue holistic community healthcare by developing a community health training program which she has taught in Mozambique, Zambia, Uganda and Nepal.Some of Rebecca’s published research can be viewed on Researchgate.

Bạn đang xem: Ostelin vitamin d & calcium cho bà bầu

4 Min Read | 2 User Comments | 3 Answered Questions
Evidence Based This hydroxyzinex.com nội dung is medically reviewed or fact checked khổng lồ ensure factually accurate information. Click for more info. | Synopsis | Nutrition Info | Claims | Cautions | Price | How to lớn Use | Verdict | vitamin D & Calcium Alternatives| Q&A

Ostelin vitamin D & Calcium is a dietary supplement advertised to lớn promote strong bones. The formula manufactured by Ostelin contains two essential nutrients for muscle and bone function, as well as health preservation. Calcium may help prevent và treat diseases such as osteoporosis, while vitamin D encourages absorption and metabolism of Calcium among many other health enhancing properties. The formula exists in both chewable tablets và capsules forms, in order to lớn address a variety of needs và targets. According khổng lồ the manufacturer, the sản phẩm contains the highest levels of vi-ta-min D và calcium available in a tablet.

The company behind this product is called Ostelin and is headquartered in Australia. It specializes in the production of vi-ta-min D and Calcium supplements and claims to lớn be Australia’s number one vi-ta-min D brand. The company’s hàng hóa portfolio includes six different products, based on vitamin D, Calcium or a combination of the two.

Ostelin vi-ta-min D và Calcium is recommended for people who suffer from low vitamin D levels & inadequate Calcium intakes, conveniently combining these two important nutrients. Pregnant và breastfeeding women are advised to consult a healthcare provider prior to lớn using the supplement. Ostelin vi-ta-min D và Calcium is not recommended for children.


1) vi-ta-min D và Calcium at a Glance

Ostelin vi-ta-min D & Calcium combines 12.5 mcg of Cholecalciferol, the equivalent of 500 IU of vi-ta-min D3, và 1.5g of Calcium in a carbonate form. The formula is claimed to lớn be không tính phí of gluten, sugar, lactose, starch, yeast, dairy products, & artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, or sweeteners.

Vitamin D can be found in five forms (Vitamin D1, D2, D3, D4, and D5) và is of particular importance khổng lồ Calcium & Phosphorus absorption and metabolism. Vi-ta-min D is usually naturally synthesized by the human skin when exposed to sunlight. However, more often than not vitamin D is not sufficiently supplied (especially in areas of the Globe where exposure to natural sunlight is limited). Shortages of vitamin D may result in muscle weakness and fragile bones. Vi-ta-min D has a number of other crucial roles, including regulating the immune system, helping the brain work in later life, and maintains heart health. Various studies have investigated vi-ta-min D’s role in preventing diseases such as heart disease, cancer or rheumatoid arthritis.

Calcium is required for the day to day functioning of the body, being involved in numerous processes và normal carry-out of various toàn thân functions. Calcium is a mineral. The formula contains a Calcium Carbonate size of the mineral, which is often used in dietary supplementation. Calcium has been shown to have positive impact on the health of the nervous system, heart muscles and blood clotting function. Some studies seem to lớn indicate that people who have optimum Calcium intakes tend to have lower blood pressure. Deficiencies in Calcium can lead khổng lồ a serious health condition called osteoarthritis, especially developed in the later life.

Nutrition Info

2) Ingredients of vi-ta-min D và Calcium

Ostelin vi-ta-min D và Calcium includes the following ingredients: Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3), & Calcium (calcium carbonate).

3) Does vitamin D và Calcium Work?

Vitamin D & Calcium was designed khổng lồ promote healthy bones and assist in the prevention of bone diseases such as osteoporosis.

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Vitamin D and calcium supplements are recommended if you are not obtaining enough of these two nutrients through your diet. The elderly and some individuals suffering from certain diseases may be unable lớn absorb enough calcium from food at the intestinal level. Deficiencies of calcium can have dire effects such as insomnia, respiratory problems, depression, headaches, etc.

Vitamin D is essential for the absorption & use of calcium. Supplemental vitamin D is not recommended for everyone as it can be produced inside our bodies in the presence of ultraviolet light. In the case of poor exposure lớn sunlight, this vitamin must be obtained from food. Vi-ta-min D is directly related khổng lồ the development of bones and the maintenance of a healthy nervous system.

For best results, the manufacturer recommends taking two tablets of vi-ta-min D & Calcium daily, or as directed by a healthcare professional.

There are testimonials posted online about vi-ta-min D và Calcium posted online. What is being stated includes the following:

Helped me with calcium deficiency

My kids love the chewable tabletsAffordable

4) vi-ta-min D và Calcium Claims

Carbonate calcium is an easily absorbed form of CalciumThe formula is claimed lớn contain the highest levels of vitamin D và Calcium available in a tabletThe formula is miễn phí of artificial ingredients and most common allergens


5) What You Need to Know Before Taking vitamin D & Calcium

The formula has not been reviewed by consumersThere is no money back guarantee available for this productThe formula is not designed to be used by children


6) vi-ta-min D & Calcium Price

Vitamin D & Calcium is averagely-priced. It is sold in increments of 130 tablets, which should be enough for approximately two months at the recommended dosage.

It can be purchased directly from the manufacturer or from numerous other retailers, online or offline. You may find that the price differs from one retailer khổng lồ another. Some of them may be offering discounts và money-back guarantees.

How to lớn Use

7) How lớn Use vitamin D và Calcium

There are no consumer testimonials regarding this formula. The manufacturer recommends taking 2 tablets daily.


8) Our Verdict on vi-ta-min D và Calcium

The toàn thân needs essential nutrients khổng lồ function properly, especially minerals and vitamins. Vi-ta-min D and Calcium are two of the most important such nutrients. While vitamin and mineral supplements should not replace a proper diet, it is often needed to lớn compensate for deficiencies which result from poor diets or an inadequate lifestyle. 9% of the American children are vitamin D deficient whereas 61% are vi-ta-min D insufficient. It is important that you talk to lớn a physician and identify and correct such imbalances.Ostelin vi-ta-min D và Calcium is offered as a solution to compensate such deficiencies or prevent them from appearing. The formula appears lớn be a good supplementation alternative, although there are no consumer testimonials to lớn confirm this.

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