Laneige bb and cc cream


I own this cushion for a long long time but I realized I"ve never written a full reviews for it before so here"s a quick one!


I press one pump of the cushion and dab it all over one cheek và it still had leftover for my forehead. As you can see, the coverage is decent, my redness is completely removed và my pores were blurred out mostly.

Bạn đang xem: Laneige bb and cc cream

For oil control however, this isn"t the best? I still had lớn blot once throughout a 6-hour wear time and I was still a tad shiny by the end of 9 hours. It wasn"t too bad, just a little too glowy for my liking! I could still see my blush intact but my highlighter was pretty much gone at the kết thúc of 9 hours.

Xem thêm: Máy Làm Kem Cuộn Thái Lan Giá Rẻ, Những Lưu Ý Khi Sử Dụng

I do love this for a short day out just cause it can even out my skin tone, is really lightweight và feels so nice on my skin. But if I were to lớn be out for a long day, I would definitely need lớn bring a compact powder for cảm biến up!


This is just with a light layer of the Laneige Whitening B.B. Cushion (21)!Btw the cushion shade change leh?!! My recent use of the Pore Control và this is damn amazing??! Cause I’m v pink-toned & Laneige cushions mainly v pink for brightening as well & it just emphasizes my redness.When I used them again this time, they are much yellower and it totally neutralizes my redness omg??? I can’t stop using them. Wait I show u all.


Omg me so happy. This new Sparkle My Way Laneige ones really make me damn happy looking at it và I opened it to lớn use it since I’m almost done with my Mamonde one alr.

I LOVE yellow-toned cushions cause most of us, our neck & bodies are yellow. For me, my face is red/flushed và very pink-toned, so I need a yellow-based sản phẩm to neutralize my redness. Laneige always did their cushions super pink for brightening (Korean-style) UNTIL NOW. Thank you Laneige I luv u so much