Which is grammatically correct, "a unique" or "an unique"?

Answer added by nermin ibrahim, Assistant Lecturer , Faculty of Arts, Menoufiya University8 years ago

Bạn đang xem: Which is grammatically correct, "a unique" or "an unique"?

"a unique" is the correct one. The explanation is based on how you pronounce the first sound in the word "unique". The answer is that the first sound in this word is the semi-vowel /j/ sound. The English phonological rule is that we use "a" before consonants and semi-vowels lượt thích /w/, /j/ và /r/, which are also known as glide consonants. Whereas we use "an" only before English vowels. That is why we say "a horse" but " an hour". In the first word the letter H is pronounced as /h/ sound, which is a consonant, but in the second word the letter H is pronounced as /au/ which is compound vowel.



Xem thêm: Quần Đóng Bỉm Cho Bé - Giá Tốt Tháng 10, 2021

Answer added by TAHANI Alansary, مساعدة سكرتارية تنفيذية , شركة الجزيرة العربية للسفر والسياحة8 years ago
